
What do people use telegram for
What do people use telegram for

what do people use telegram for

Nonetheless, formal encryption is not enough to secure your messages from other parties because messages will only be encrypted in transit. Not only are messages sent through the platform encrypted, like they are on WhatsApp, Telegram claims to be “more secure than mass market messengers like WhatsApp and Line” because the platform is said to be based on a protocol called MTProto and is said to make security compatible with high-speed delivery and reliability on weak connections. Also, companies that allow their employees to use Telegrams must use a robust enterprise messaging solution for secure and reliable business communication with the Telegram app. Telegram is considered a secure app by default, but there are some steps you can take to increase its security before joining. Although Telegram messages are encrypted, the questions being asked by the users about Telegram includes ‘is Telegram secure?’ Because of its security and privacy features, it is a popular choice among individuals and groups, including cryptocurrency followers. It now has more than 550 million monthly active users worldwide. Telegram is a popular instant messaging application developed in Russia in 2013.

What do people use telegram for